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Pain Free and Pain with Natural Sprue Medication

Almost everyone has experienced an annoying canker sores. Eating is painful, drinking is difficult, even toothbrushes are sore. Fortunately, this condition can be overcome with natural thrush medication. How to? See in the following article.
The exact cause of the appearance of canker sores  is still unknown. But canker sores on the tongue, lips, or around the inside of the mouth are more at risk if you are under  stress , have a viral or fungal infection, are allergic to food, or lack vitamins or minerals. Not only that, the body's immune system has problems, hormonal changes, menstrual cycles , mouth or wall bite, and mouth sores can also be the cause of canker sores.
Pain Free and Pain with Natural Sprue Medication

Natural Sprue Medication

Sometimes canker sores can remain in the mouth for several weeks and even leave scars. But usually, canker sores will disappear and heal on their own within 10 to 14 days. If you can't stand waiting for two weeks, the following natural thrush drugs can be an option:
  • Gargle with a salt solution or with a baking soda solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda and ½ cup of warm water).
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Place small chunks of ice cubes in canker sores until they melt.
  • Apply a small amount of  liquid magnesium hydroxide to canker sores several times a day. Magnesium hydroscopy is found in liquid ulcer medicine.
  • Consumption of food, vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamin C , B vitamins, folate , and iron. If necessary, consume supplements that contain these vitamins. Vitamin C and vitamin B complex can speed healing of canker sores.

So that Sprue is not getting worse

In addition to the natural thrush drugs above, you can do the following so that canker sores do not get worse, including:
  • Diligently brush your teeth and use  dental floss so that thrush is not infected with bacteria.
  • Avoid eating spicy or sour food because it can cause further irritation and pain.
  • Brush your teeth slowly, use a soft toothbrush and detergent-free toothpaste.
  • Consume soft foods that are easy to swallow, cut into small pieces, milled, or mashed.
  • Avoid salty foods, coffee, chocolate, nuts, potato chips or biscuits that can hurt canker sores, soft drinks or alcohol, cigarettes, and foods and drinks that are too sweet, too hot, or too cold.
  • Gargle mouthwash or mouthwash that does not contain alcohol.
  • Don't touch thrush because it can interfere with the healing process and cause the infection to spread.
  • If the mouth really hurts, use a straw if you want to drink.
  • Quit smoking.
If the natural thrush medication and various methods above do not make canker sores recover, you should immediately consult a doctor  to get an examination and treatment. Especially if canker sores continue to recur, grow bigger, spread, last for three weeks or more, and feel very painful, even if you have swallowed painkillers. Also consult your doctor if you find it difficult to drink or have a high fever when canker sores.
Indeed, there are many natural thrush drugs that you can use, but preventing them is better than cure. Always keep oral health by diligently brushing your teeth twice a day, so that thrush does not come again.