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Home made Natural Vitamin E Glow Serum formula For Your Skin to Glow Like Young Girl

We all know well how beneficial and effective vitamin E oil is for our skin. Vitamin E rich creams are readily available on the market and are sold at very exorbitant prices which makes us all think twice before buying a lack of knowledge of the true cause of such a completely inflated price. But today we'll reveal the formula to everyone on how to make a homemade Vitamin E night serum that can provide results in a short time. Here's how to set it up:
Home made Vitamin E Glow Serum formula For Your Skin to Glow Like Young Girl
Home made vitamin E glow serum formula for your skin to glow like a young girl

  • Vitamin E oil capsules
  • Almond oil
  • Rose water
  • Aloe Vera gel
How to Prepare and Use:

Put two tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl, then add two tablespoons of rose water and mix them well. Now make a small cut open in the Vitamin E oil capsules and add them to form a firm mixture like cream. Then finally add a teaspoon of almond oil. Stir and mix everything well and keep the serum in a clean bottle, then use it every night on a well washed face. Massage your skin daily with this naturally made cream in a curly round shape all over your face well for a few minutes and your face will shine as if in your youth!

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