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Natural nutrition for human health and longevity: royal jelly!

Natural nutrition for human health and longevity: Royal Jelly!

Western honey bee - Wikipedia
Human Health and Longevity factor - Royal Jelly

Natural nutrition for human health and longevity: royal jelly

Royal jelly is named because it is the life-long food of the queen bee. Royal jelly, also known as royal jelly, is young ( 6-15 worker bees royal jelly head and the upper jaw glands secrete a mixture of common age) as a milky white or light yellow syrup, which is little sour, astringent spicy, slightly sweet in one. Royal jelly is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, lipids, trace elements, acetylcholine, nucleic acids and other living substances, as well as some unexplored material components. Among them, the 10 -hydroxy-decenoic acid ( 10-HDA ) and active protein are important ingredients to improve human body function, enhance human immunity, and delay aging.
 Under normal circumstances, the queen bee can generally survive for to years, while the lifespan of the worker bees can only live about 35 days during the production period , and can survive for a long time in the wintering period, but it can only be at most months. The only reason for the huge difference is that the queen bee eats royal jelly all her life, while the worker bees feed on pollen and honey.

China is the world's largest beekeeper

China is the world's largest beekeeper, and is also a major producer and exporter of royal jelly90% of the world 's royal jelly is produced in China, and royal jelly exports account for more than 95% of the world's total exportsChina produces more than 3,000 tons of royal jelly annually, nearly half of which are used for export, with Japan and the European Union being the main export targets.
 Many people have seen and bought royal jelly, but they don’t know how royal jelly comes from, how it is produced, and how much hard sweat the beekeeper needs to pay to get a pound of royal jelly, many consumers don't know. Just tell everyone.
 Royal jelly is a common secretion of the head maxillary gland and royal jelly of suitable age workers. It is specially used to feed the queen beetle and larva within days of age. The best age for worker's jelly is to 15 days, only 10 days. The amount of royal jelly secreted by worker bees during their lifetime is only 35 milligrams. It takes about 28,500 age-appropriate worker bees to produce one kilogram of royal jelly .
 By observing the living habits of bees, the beekeeper simulates the colony of the bee colony to cultivate the queen of the queen bee, and produces a platform similar to that of the queen.
 The production of royal jelly is a cumbersome process. The first is insect breeding: the beekeeper gets up every morning and puts the previously prepared empty nest spleen into a dedicated insect breeding box to allow the queen to lay eggs. After days, it is taken out and placed in a relay box. Let the eggs hatch; Migration: The beekeeper moves the small larvae about 24 hours after hatching with a special transfer needle into the pulp cup of the sliver,
 Then fix the jelly on the royal jelly rack, put it into the bee colony, and take it out after days; take out the pulp: take the removed jelly one by one with a special draw pen to remove the royal jelly from the pulp cup, and then relocate the insects for continue to produce. The seemingly simple process is really complicated. It also includes the steps of cutting the wax cover, removing worms, and cleaning the foundation. These steps are all indispensable.
 A sliver cup for producing royal jelly can hold about gram of royal jelly in a cup of 33 cups per bar to produce kg of royal jelly. The beekeeper's hand must move the insects between the nest and the spleen at least 1,000 times and clamp 1,000 times. Queen bee larva, scrape the pulp 1000 times.
 According to a family bee farm, two husbands and two husbands raise 90 high boxes, and produce 30 boxes per day. Each box has double-row calculations. Each day, 30x4x2x33 = 7920 times of worms, and scrapings are required. Normally every two minutes it takes and about hours to move one wormThere are also processes such as insect breeding, pumping racks, stocking racks, etc. It can be imagined how much work this is. But this is only in theory, the workload is smooth when all links are smooth, in fact, it is much higher than this.

Producing royal jelly is a painstaking work

 Producing royal jelly is a painstaking work. Migrating worms requires certain skills. They cannot poke small larvae. Otherwise, the worker bees will not spit the royal jelly in the cup. One nest and one spleen with more than 3,000 nest houses. It takes a long time to see, which can easily lead to visual fatigue. The wax cover and the worms are properly applied. The larvae are broken. The pulp needs to be careful to prevent the beeswax from falling into the pulp. Although it does not affect the quality, it affects the aesthetics.
 A bottle of good royal jelly relies on the hard work of beekeepers: insect breeding, pulping racks, wax cutting tables, insect traps, scraping pulp, transfer of insects, and return to the colony for re-production. These processes must be done together. They get greedy early in the morning, and they will get up and breed insects just in case of dawn. For the next use, breakfast and lunch will be the same as fighting. Quick battles will be made against the clock. Just to race against time, let royal jelly stay at room temperature for less time. Better quality. When it is sunny, under the scorching sun, when it rains, wear a raincoat, and never stop.
 The production of royal jelly is very boring. In the six months from the beginning to the end, there are no weekends and holidays. The beekeeper repeats the same process every day, often sitting in the morning, but for living, to support the family, beekeepers. You must stick to it.

Royal jelly, as a health food

 Royal jelly, as a health food, plays an important role in improving human immunity, enhancing physical fitness, improving sleep, and delaying aging. Although it is not as effective as medicine for a short time, but health food is expensive to adhere to, and by taking it for a long time, you can feel its effect. I don't have a cold, sleep well, and all kinds of problems have disappeared before this, is the experience of many consumers who have been taking royal jelly for a long time. Therefore, insist on taking royal jelly every day to give yourself more care for your health.

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