Simple Ways to Relieve Colds Cough in Children
Simple Ways to Relieve Colds Cough in Children
Cold cough is a complaint that often affects children . In order for a cold to cough do not interfere with the Little One's activity and reduce her cheerfulness , there are simple steps you can take to relieve this condition, without using drugs.
Cold coughs are generally caused by viruses or bacteria that infect the nose and throat. Cold cough due to viral infection can heal itself within a few days, so it does not need to be treated with antibiotics. What needs to be treated with antibiotics is a cold cough due to a bacterial infection.

Although generally not dangerous, coughing cold can interfere with children's activities and rest. The little one who is usually cheerful can also look sluggish and not excited. If you like this, you, as a parent, must feel sad and want your child to get back to health soon.
Handling B atuk P iLek in R ome
If your child suffers from a cold cough, you are advised to consult a doctor first, especially if your child is not yet 2 years old.
Even so, you can still help alleviate the complaint with the following simple efforts:
1. Make sure you get enough sleep
When coughing up a cold, the child's body needs more energy to fight the virus or bacteria that causes infection. Therefore, make sure your child has enough sleep and rest. Make the bedroom comfortable so that he can sleep better. In addition to recovering energy, sleep is also needed by the child's body to recover.
2. Position your head higher when lying down
When coughing up a cold, a child can experience a blocked nose so it is difficult to breathe, and may become fussy because of insomnia. So that the little one can breathe more freely, position his head higher when he sleeps. Use additional pillows to support your head and shoulders.
3. Give more water
If your child is more than 6 months old, give him more water. Water will help thin the phlegm in the respiratory tract, making it easier to remove. In addition, by drinking enough water, the Little One will avoid dehydration which can trigger various other health problems.
You can also give them warm drinks, like tea, as a distraction. In addition to relieving a cold cough, warm drinks can relieve a sore throat.
If your child is still drinking milk, continue giving. Breast milk can help babies recover faster from colds.
4. Give honey
Since long ago, honey has been believed to relieve coughs and sore throats. In fact, many believe that this sweet taste drink is more efficacious than many cough medicines that are sold freely. It's just that honey can only be given to children who are over 1 year old.
To relieve a cold cough, give half a teaspoon of honey to the child before he sleeps. In order for your child to consume it more easily, you can mix 2 teaspoons of honey with lemon juice or warm tea.
5. Apply balsam for children
Another way to relieve a cold cough in a child is to apply balm to his chest, neck and back. However, make sure the balm you are using is specially formulated for babies or children. Baby balsam usually contains menthol , eucalyptus, chamomile , and camphor . These natural ingredients are believed to be safe and effective in relieving coughing colds in children.
Even though the simple steps above can relieve a cold cough, you still need to be vigilant and check with your doctor, especially if your child is still less than 3 months old.
You also need to immediately see a doctor if a cold cough that is experienced by a child does not improve after 10 days, accompanied by a high fever (more than 38 degrees Celsius), shortness of breath, phlegm and snot yellow or green, or if the child does not eat and suckle .
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