Signs of Meningitis in Infants
Babies are prone to meningitis because their immune systems are still weak . If you don't get immediate treatment, this disease has a high risk of causing the baby to experience disability, developmental disorders, and even death . Therefore, recognize the signs of meningitis in infants .
Meningitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection.

Viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis, but the most dangerous meningitis is bacterial meningitis.
Meningitis is more at risk of attack:
- Babies, especially those aged under two months. At this age, their immune system is not well developed. As a result, bacteria can enter the bloodstream easily.
- Children who suffer from ear infections and recurrent sinusitis .
- Children with severe head injuries and skull fractures.
- Children who have just undergone brain surgery.
- Babies and children who are born with HIV, a history of infection in the womb, and birth defects.
Signs of Meningitis in Infants
Symptoms of meningitis in infants vary, so that each baby affected by this disease may experience different symptoms. Even so, there are signs of meningitis in infants that are common according to his age, namely:
Infants less than two months
At this age, signs of meningitis in infants can be difficult to detect. Therefore, immediately take it to the nearest pediatrician or hospital if your child has a fever, is unwilling or unwilling to suckle, suffocation, lethargic, and looks fussy.
Infants aged two months to two years
Meningitis most often affects children at this age. Symptoms include:
- Fever.
- Seizures .
- Gag.
- Decreased appetite.
- Fussy.
- Looks very sleepy, until it's hard to wake up.
- A rash appears on the skin.
Children over two years
In addition to the various symptoms above, meningitis in children over two years old will also show symptoms such as:
- Headache.
- Back pain.
- Neck pain and stiffness.
- Easily glare or sensitive to bright light.
- Confusion.
- Decreased or coma awareness level .
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Rash or reddish purple spots
In infants or children who experience meningitis, there may also appear signs and symptoms in the form of jaundice , low body temperature ( hypothermia ), crying in a very loud tone, and the soft part of the head (fontanel) protruding.
To prevent the Little One from getting meningitis, Mother needs to complete her immunization on schedule , including immunization for measles, polio, goiter, chickenpox, and influenza.
Although it cannot protect the Little One completely from meningitis, these five vaccines can help keep the body from being attacked by this disease virus. Also make sure he gets a Hib vaccine at the age of 2, 3, 4, and 15 months; and meningococcal vaccine at ages 2, 4 and 6 months.
Meningitis that is not treated immediately can risk causing dangerous complications. Therefore, immediately bring your child to the doctor if he experiences any of the symptoms above to get treatment as soon as possible.
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