Protect the liver from small things
Pain and yellow, should be careful to love the liver and protect the liver
Some data show that: according to the total domestic population, the population with liver problems now accounts for about 20%. Liver disease is not terrible. It is terrible that people ignore this type of chronic disease. At present, the love and protection of the liver has gone beyond traditional disease prevention and rise to a healthy lifestyle. So what effect does the liver have on the human body ? How should we care for the liver ? CCTV Health Channel "Medical Report" invited the director of the 302 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, director of the liver cirrhosis diagnosis and treatment center Chen Guofeng, and friends to chat about the common sense of liver love and liver protection.
Beware of pain and yellow. Liver disease start from little things.
The liver has a lot of functions. It is like a large chemical factory, which hosts many functions. There are many symptoms if there is something wrong with the liver, such as: first, lack of energy, lethargy all day, and decreased physical strength. Second, there is no appetite, because the liver bile excretion function appeared disorder; after some patients liver damage, gastrointestinal function decline, may have gastrointestinal mucosal edema, loss of appetite, no energy. Also some patients may appear as yellow urine, or the eyes, the skin is yellow, if the skin is yellow, it means that liver damage is very heavy. Also can be expressed as liver discomfort, liver and right upper quadrant, feeling nausea or pain, this is called liver pain. One is yellow, the other is pain, lack of strength, and no appetite. The more serious manifestations are bleeding from the skin, mucous membranes, and even teeth and nose, which are more severe manifestations.
Liver love and liver protection start from our daily life. First, we must have a regular and controlled life. Second, in terms of diet, eat more organic or green food. Leave junk food to prevent corrosion. There are many agents, and some outdated and spoiled moldy foods which are not nutritional, but also poisonous and harmful. Third, to ensure adequate sleep, to quit smoking and alcohol, patients with poor liver should still quit smoking, because smoking has a certain impact on liver repair and regeneration.
If there is a basis for liver disease, drinking alcohol will definitely aggravate liver damage. Even the alcohol itself is harmful to the liver. So alcoholic liver is now a more and more common disease.
There is also a kind of medicinal liver injury. "Medicine" is actually very broad. Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and health products, as well as so-called natural nutrition products, etc., may cause liver damage.
In addition, eating too much sugar and greasy foods can also cause fatty liver to the liver. If you take more fat, your liver will become fat, and if your liver has more fat, you will also get fatty liver.
Fatty liver reversible steatohepatitis needs attention
There are many different degrees of fatty liver and different stages. There is simple fatty liver, and the further development is fatty hepatitis, then fatty liver fibrosis, fatty liver cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Different degrees of damage to the liver are also different. Simple fatty liver, some people are relatively fat, eat more oily things, or have more sweets. If his liver has fatty liver, or the lipase is slightly increased, this is called simple fatty liver, which belongs to life Way sick. Proper restraint diet, increase exercise, fatty liver it is reversible.
Fatty hepatitis is now more common, with alcoholic steatohepatitis or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is most common in patients with obesity or diabetes. Hepatitis is a chronic disease that cannot be cured by eating less, drinking less, and exercising more. Seek a doctor for further examination and appropriate treatment measures. The development of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer requires professional doctors to treat it.
Drug-induced hepatitis is easy to repeat and safe medication can protect the liver
Drug-induced hepatitis can be said to be one of the adverse drug reactions, or the most serious adverse drug reaction, including acute drug-induced liver injury and chronic drug-induced liver injury. Acute drug-induced liver injury is very serious, causing patients with acute liver failure. Patients die in the short term, liver necrosis, liver dissolution, or shrinkage in the short term, the normal structure of the liver disappears. In this case, an outbreak or acute liver failure is caused. Failure, this situation is very serious.
But now more and more are seeing chronic drug-induced liver injury and drug-induced liver injury. So many years, with the prevention of hepatitis B, the child immunization, vaccine is not blocked, the effects of hepatitis C now have drug was therefore now hepatitis B hepatitis C, showed a downward trend. Accordingly, like drug-induced hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, it has been more and more in the ward to see, and drug-induced hepatitis is very complex. Some patients can have repeated episodes of their condition. In fact, it has developed chronic hepatitis. If the liver foundation is already very bad, in this case, there are no special incentives, which can also cause the liver to function abnormally. If the treatment is improper, or some patients do have a special symptom, they can progress to cirrhosis or even liver cancer, so this situation is quite serious.
Try not to take casual medication.
Such people who take medicine at random are particularly susceptible to drug-induced liver damage. Patients who have to take medicine will be taken very seriously by the doctor. During the process of taking medicine in the hospital, the doctor will regularly check your liver function. Will prevent you from using a few liver-protective drugs. The treatment cycle is relatively long. If you are not under the supervision of a doctor, you still need to pay attention to the doctor's order and do regular liver function tests. In this case, it is not so terrible.
There are also some less serious diseases, and there are no special effect drugs, such as skin diseases. Indeed, some advertisements on hospitals have a little exaggerated publicity in treatment propaganda, or it uses hormonal drugs, which will cause certain harm to the body. There are many drugs that can damage the liver, so it is said that there are more skin diseases in the liver among patients admitted to the ward.
In addition to the drug itself, there are interactions between the drug and the drug. It may not be a big problem if you simply take a certain drug, but if you eat two, three, or more than one, it may be between the drugs. Interactions of the drug lead to increased toxicity of the drug, or especially to the liver, increasing the chance of drug-induced liver injury.
Sour sweet bitter spicy salty should be kept away
The source of food, under the premise of good quality, food can be divided into several categories, sour, sweet, bitter and salty. So something sour is generally believed that the liver is there are certain advantages. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it can be used as medicine, which can guide medicine into the liver and play a role in protecting the liver. Generally speaking, acidic foods, medicines, and health products may have certain benefits to the liver. However, for patients with liver, it has to be divided into two. In addition to its guiding effect on drugs and a certain hepato-protective effect, acidic foods can increase the acidity of gastric acid and decrease the pH value, which may have certain effects on the stomach. Injury can cause gastric mucosal ulcers, especially patients with ulcers themselves. Eating too many acidic foods can aggravate gastric mucosal damage, so this should be considered from the perspective of the whole body.Under the circumstances, ask the doctor to check.
Sweet, in general, sweets have a certain protective effect the liver, especially glucose, which has a protective effect on the liver, but it is also divided into two. Too much sweets can easily lead to diabetes, increased blood sugar, diabetes, It can also aggravate liver damage, so this is all interrelated and should be moderated, but overall, sweets are also better.
Bitter, bitter drugs or some foods, like bitter gourd, etc., has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, then we say that many patients say liver disease, have liver fire, strong fire, or liver stasis, toxic stasis. Eat orderly bitter food that have certain benefits for detoxification. This is good for both sweet and bitter.
Spicy and salty: spicy liver is not very good, it can increase the burden on the gastric mucosa, can also damage the liver. Liver disease patients should eat less spicy, and salty things and anything special addition will burden the liver, and eating too much salty things can cause blood pressure to rise, which is bad for the kidneys, so salty things should be eaten as little as possible. Try to quit drinking and smoking, and eat less long-lived food.
Three major routes of hepatitis B virus transmission
Hepatitis B is definitely an infectious disease. It is mainly hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B is more complicated. On the one hand, serological tests, serology are mainly antibodies, antigens, antibodies, surface antigens, and core antibodies produced by some viruses. It is not contagious, but if it is said that the antigen is positive, most people are contagious. The people who are antigen-positive are basically replicating the virus. Without medication, the DNA is positive, so this Is contagious. People who are negative for aprotinin may also be contagious. Is whether the infection is mainly to see is not a virus replicate, to the hospital to be HBV DNA testing, DNA if it is positive that there would be contagious, hepatitis B after all, it is not contagious respiratory infection, hepatitis B virus through general contact, shaking hands. Eating is not contagious. Hepatitis B is mainly a few major transmission routes: the most important is mother-to-child transmission, that is, the mother is hepatitis B. When the mother has a relatively high virus content, it is easy for her born child to have hepatitis, and it is mother-to-child transmission. It’s not easy for children to get better, and they can easily turn into chronic hepatitis. By the age of 3 or 40, they have become cirrhotic or even liver cancer.
Blood transmission: For people who are infected with hepatitis B virus, no one can donate blood to others, whether or not the virus is replicated. Blood transmission is also a great way to broadcast.
Sexual transmission: In fact, this type of sexual contact between men and women can also be transmitted, and the main transmission like men is more powerful. The other is cosmetic and medical cosmetology. If the equipment is not disinfected well, it can also be contagious.
Many people may talk about HB discoloration. In fact, cirrhosis and liver cancer are still a minority after all. Since the 1990s, our country has included hepatitis B vaccine and newborn hepatitis B vaccine in the entire planned immunization. Therefore, the carrying rate of our surface antigen has continued to decline. There are fewer and fewer patients with hepatitis B now. Normal life contact is not contagious, so fear is absolutely necessary.
Aflatoxin is the first carcinogen to spoil food immediately
The mold of chopsticks has aflatoxin and fungal infection and produces aflatoxin. This is indeed a more reasonable chain. Then the production of aflatoxin is very toxic to the liver. Aflatoxin is listed as the largest carcinogen. Aflatoxin is very widespread in life. Especially in the humid, warm relatives, between 20-25 degrees should be the most conducive to growth, in the case of relatively high humidity in the south, even in the rain is very helpful to the growth of Aspergillus flavus.
After researching all over the country, it was found that Aspergillus flavus is common in many provinces and cities, especially Guangxi and Yunnan, which are very, very common. In contrast, northeast and northwest are relatively dry and cold. In this case, Aspergillus flavus is not easy to grow or grow in a large area. Aspergillus flavus is particularly difficult to destroy. Aflatoxin, you heat it in our food, and it can be damaged by heating to 290 degrees.
So if this food is contaminated, such as peanuts, corn, and many dried fruits, walnuts, pistachios and so on. Once the odor has changed, it may have aflatoxin infection and produce aflatoxin after mold. In this case, you must throw it away. Peanuts are most likely to be contaminated by Aspergillus flavus. In this case, if they become moldy, they will not be eaten if they are processed into peanut oil.
Aspergillus flavus is the largest carcinogen, so aflatoxin and aflatoxin are specific to the liver, and the damage to the liver is very clear. It can cause liver inflammation, necrosis, and liver cancer. Aflatoxin is 60 to 80 times more toxic than arsenic, which is very, very serious. Let everyone pay attention.
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