11 Foods to eat to get rid of stomach fat
11 Foods to eat to get rid of stomach fat

Stomach fat more than looking ugly, it's dangerous . Stomach fat releases a hormone that causes diabetes and inflammation. It has also been linked to cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer and problems with the gallbladder. The only way to get rid of stomach fat is by eating certain foods and exercising.
Miracle cures, pills and surgery will not help you. Diet and exercise is the best way to eliminate stomach fat. By eating these foods you will notice the results quickly. The best thing is that you will feel good.
1. Take more water and tea without sugar
Stop drinking sweetened drinks. This includes sugar and artificial sweeteners . Drink pure water, unsweetened tea, black coffee and green tea for maximum benefit.
You must avoid sugar because sugar is made in part of fructose. Your liver can not metabolize much fructose. What it does with extra fructose is to turn it into fat and store it in your stomach. The artificial sweeteners cause cravings.
These four drinks are known to stop dehydration and can increase your metabolism.

2. Stop eating sugar
Stop eating sugar and artificial sweeteners. It will be difficult! But losing stomach fat is worth it. To eliminate sugar you must stop consuming soft drinks, fruit juices, cookies, cakes and sweets.
It also means that you should read the labels. You may be eating a healthy salad but the dressing you use may contain a lot of sugar. Like the ketchup, the barbecue sauce and even the mustard.
Go to your cupboard, choose one of the foods that you like and read the label. Most likely it has a lot of sugar but it may be under one of the many names given to sugar.

3. Eat fruit
Calm your craving for something sweet by eating a fruit. At first you may want a lot of fruit but in the long run that need will be diminished.
The frut to is healthy, although sugar, only consume a portion. While you chew your brain releases hormones that make you feel full. The fruit has fiber. The fiber makes you feel full longer so you do not eat so much.
The fruit also contains many healthy vitamins and anti oxidants.

4. Eat your vegetables
Eat raw, steamed or roasted vegetables . Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and other important nutrients. Make the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet vegetables each have different nutrients. Like fruits, vegetables have a lot of fiber and it will take longer to digest them.
Do not add cheese, mayonnaise, or commercial dressings to your vegetables. If you handle the vegetables, use coconut or olive oil for additional health benefits.

5. Eat lean meat (low fat meat)
Lean meat such as beef, chicken, whole eggs, and fish are foods that fight stomach fat. Proteins that contain plants like beans, legumes, quinoa and seitan are also excellent for losing stomach fat.
The investigations show that the better quality the protein you eat will result in a lower amount of stomach fat. Obviously from the little good so try to limit yourself to 5 ounces a day.
This does not include processed meats. Processed meats are full of additives and are related to cancer and contain a lot of salt. A lot of salt causes swelling and will decompensate any weight loss.

6. Avoid refined carbohydrates
You want to avoid carbohydrates. Fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products are carbohydrates . Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Avoid refined carbohydrates to lose stomach fat.
Refined carbohydrates are metabolized to sugars and from sugar to stomach fat. They also make your appetite increase. Leaving refined carbohydrates will quickly free you from accumulated fluids . Limiting the consumption of carbohydrates increases the loss of stomach fat.
Refined carbohydrates include beers, white flour, bread, rice, cakes, sodas, snacks, pasta, sweets and cereals.

7. Choose whole grains
Do not consume refined grains instead eat less than 50 grams of whole grains a day. There are hundreds of whole grains that are an excellent source of vegetable-based protein.
"Whole wheat" does not always mean whole grains. Some "whole wheat" products are made with white flours and food colors and some additives, such as bran. Read the list of ingredients and look for wheat flour.
Keep your carbohydrate intake low to increase your stomach fat loss.

8. Eat viscous fiber
The viscous fiber forms a kind of "gel" that takes time to pass through your intestines. You will feel full longer. You will also absorb more nutrients since the food will move more slowly through your intestines.
A study shows that eating 10 to 14 grams of soluble fiber a day reduces your stomach fat by 4.5 pounds (2 kilos) in 4 months.
Viscous fiber is found in foods such as oats, dried beans, nuts, barley, flaxseed, oranges, apples and carrots. Try eating a bowl of oatmeal (without margarine or maple syrup) and adding flaxseed for an excellent breakfast.

9. Add Chia Seeds
If you are looking for a food that is perfect, you will find it in chia seeds . These seeds contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein, healthy fats and are an excellent source of viscous fiber. Eat your portion of chia seeds daily either raw, submerged in juice, or adding them to your cereal, yogurt, vegetables or rice dishes.
Eat approximately 1.5 tablespoons of chia seeds twice a day.

10. Choose healthy fats
Not all fats are the same. It would definitely be good to reduce your fat intake . Saturated fats are found in meat, so the leaner (lower in fat) the meat the better.
Trans fat is very bad. These contain partially and completely hydrogenated vegetable oils . Do not eat of these fats. Trans fats do not help you lose weight and affect the heart.
Cook with coconut, avocado, sunflower or olive oils but use them sparingly.
11. Exercise
Exercising has nothing to do with food but ... exercise is extremely important. If you eat the food we talk about, you will lose weight. If you add aerobic exercise will increase the loss of stomach fat.
If you keep exercising, after losing weight, it will help keep you without stomach fat. Do aerobic exercises for up to 105 minutes a week. That's 15 minutes a day!
Ah ... exercising does not mean doing squats or lizards (although those exercises and lifting weights do not hurt). Aerobic exercise includes activities such as walking, running, swimming and biking.
You can lose stomach fat! Stop eating sugar, artificial sweeteners and all trans fats. Eat more fruit, vegetables and lean meat (low in fat). Eat chia seeds for better results, and most importantly, do aerobic exercise.
You will feel better and you will be healthier.
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