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Best Natural Treatments for Skin Blemishes and Essential Oils to Use for Acne

Best Natural Treatments for Skin Blemishes and Essential Oils to Use for Acne

The best natural treatments for skin blemishes and acne aren’t necessarily the most expensive. Everyone wants a clean, clear face; free of pimples, spots, and uneven skin tone. Here are some products and recipes that have worked for me in the past, are all natural, and are dependable:
Tea tree oil
Tea Tree essential oil (also called Melaleuca oil) is an absolute MUST for acne or problem skin. Tea Tree oil has powerful antibacterial (and even antifungal and antiviral!) properties and is effective against MRSA, which is a strain of bacteria that has developed resistance to some man-made antibiotics. So it’s a natural product that can fight the spread of nasty germs. Its properties also make it crucial in fighting acne.
Best Burt’s Bees Products Treatment for Skin Blemishes:
  • Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick!!! – worked wonders for me! (and I love the ingredients: SD Alcohol 40-B (from Yellow Corn), Calendula Flower Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Yarrow Oil, Parsley Seed Extract, Willowbark Extract, Lemon Oil, Fennel Oil, Water, Tea Tree Oil, Juniper Oil, and Eucalyptus Oil.)

pic from thehippyhomemaker.com

Essential Oils Best for Treatment for Skin Blemishes & Acne:
  • Tea Tree essential oil â€“ may be used directly on the skin without carrier oil, but you may like to add coconut oil for its antibacterial properties, or jojoba oil (healing and nourishing) for added benefits. An absolute must-have in your acne arsenal! Some people have cleared their skin with just this ingredient alone.
  • Bergamot essential oil (BF or begaptene free) â€“ best to use a carrier such as grapeseed or coconut oil as it is very light and the scent is lovely for both men and women.
  • Lavender essential oil – lavendula angustifolia â€“ maybe used undiluted directly on skin, as Lavender is a universal essential oil with a multitude of properties, always great for any skin type.
  • Rosewood essential oil â€“ nice mixed with tea tree for those less sensitive, it also adds a nice moisturizing quality, make sure to mix with coconut, jojoba, grapeseed or similar carrier.
  • Clove essential oil (only for intense overnight spot treatments)- always use diluted in a carrier such as grapeseed, jojoba, coconut, etc.
Other essential oils that are useful for oily/acne/combination skin:
Geranium, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Juniper, and lemon.
Essential oils are some of my favorite ingredients to use as not only are they all natural, but have many amazing properties to heal all types of skin maladies. The best things you could use in treatment for skin blemishes are natural products. Just make sure to do a patch test to be sure you don’t have allergies.
Also note that essential oils are very potent and less is always more when it comes to using them on the skin. Make sure to dilute them with a carrier oil. One of the lightest carriers is grapeseed oil, but coconut is also a great choice, because of its antibacterial properties, and the jojoba is perfect for when you need extra healing.
My old stand-by remedy for getting rid of blemishes overnight when I was out of all my other treatments, was dabbing a bit of toothpaste mixed with tea tree oil on the pimple, and going to sleep. Most often, it was ready to go by morning. I’d steam my face to open the pores and be rid of it. And follow up with my easy to make Blemish remover toner.

The popping yourself idea probably isn’t thebest advice for everyone, but for me it always worked. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that to anyone, but just had to throw it in there. But the toner is a MUST!!


Recipe for Blemish remover toner:

Use this after cleansing and patting dry lightly.
In a 4 oz bottle add:
  • Witch hazel 3 oz
  • Calendula oil mixed with fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil 12 to 20 drops
  • Tea tree oil 5 drops
  • Bergamot (bf) 2 drops
  • Lemon 2 drops
  • Eucalyptus 3 drops
  • Juniper 2 drops
  • *Optional- Frankincense or Sandalwood (either is fine) 2 drops
Shake well before each use, apply to cotton pad and swab skin lightly.

if you just don’t feel like making your own. I highly recommend

BURTS BEES (Amazon sale)