If you find this panacea nectar on earth, then don't leave it
If you find this panacea nectar tree on earth, then don't leave it, it has many healing properties

Today we will talk about a tree which is no less than a living herb. You can see this tree mostly around temples, schools, parks. Today we will talk about Oleander. Oleander leaves are like the edge of a knife. It has fragrant flowers. It is found in four species: - white, red, pink and yellow. Oleander fruits and flowers are poisonous, but you can use them in remedies for various diseases. Oleander kills all the problems of your face such as acne, white spots, white hair, hair fall or hair breakage, herpes and itching, body wounds or muscle aches. Let us know how to use Oleander to cure diseases?
In joint pain
Oleander can quickly eliminate muscle and joint pain. For this, you have to grind 50 grams of yellow oleander leaves and mix it in olive oil. After this, you have to massage with this oil on the painful part of your body. By doing this every day, the problem of pain in your muscles will subside.
In skin disease
For this, first of all, take the yellow fruit from the yellow oleander tree. Then mix the white pudding inside the fruit with apple cider vinegar and prepare a thick paste. Now apply this paste on the spot of ringworm, itching, itching and burning. You have to repeat this process for few days, this will give you rest in no time.
Facial diseases
For this, pluck some fruits of white oleander tree. Now you have to grind these fruits well and prepare a thick paste. By applying it on the face daily and washing it with water after 15 minutes, you get rid of the problem of acne, pimples, warts, spots and stains.
On having white hair
When you have white hair, grind the yellow oleander flower properly and mix it with the milk and make a thick paste. Now massage your head with this paste. Do this daily and wash your hair after 15 minutes. Your hair will become white in a few days.
Hair problem
For this, first of all you have to take some fresh leaves of oleander. Now these leaves have to be heated in coconut oil until the leaves turn black. Now filter the oil and massage your head with oil every night and wash the hair in the morning. This will eliminate many problems like hair fall, weak hair in a few days.
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