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Heart disease causes more in middle-aged and older men

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Heart Defense and Heart Care

Heart disease causes more in middle-aged and older men

   According to statistics, more than 3 million people die due to cardiovascular disease each year in China, which is a very scary number. Statistics show that 48% of the deaths from heart disease are caused by coronary heart failure, which has seriously harmed people's health. This issue of "Medicine" came to the Third Hospital of Peking University and discussed with the chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Han Jiangli, "how to prevent the sudden attack of coronary heart disease".

Image result for heart attack"
   Patients with large-scale acute myocardial infarction may develop cardiogenic shock and even die. Cardiovascular disease has a high mortality rate, and more than half of deaths are due to coronary heart disease. There are many known factors for the onset of coronary heart disease. In addition to genetic background, it also includes hypertension, smoking, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. There are also some occupational factors, such as sedentary work life styles, stressful work, and mental labors such as Drivers, doctors, and teachers of all high-income groups are suseptible to this illness. The incidence of coronary heart disease has certain seasonal characteristics, and is higher in winter. Sudden changes in the weather can also induce the onset cardiovascular disease.
  Early screening and prevention are the mainstay, including risk factors, and we must actively prevent and prevent this disease.  
  The age and gender of heart disease patients are high, mostly in middle-aged and elderly men, and after menopause, the incidence is similar to that of men. After middle-age the risk factors are high, such as: poor lifestyle, smoking or high blood pressure, diabetes, which is a high incidence of coronary heart disease. As women over fifty years old, they are also in high-risk group. By this time, they should start paying attention to their health.
 For diagnosis of coronary heart disease, you can do take preliminary screening, such as for physical fitness examination, you can do a load of exercise test screening or treadmill exercise test. If symptoms arise and are more typical then there is a risk factor of blockage in heart, and it is recommended that the patient undergoes coronary angiography as early as possible.

Typical symptoms of coronary heart disease and emergency treatment

 There are many forms of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are common. Angina pectoris is often the previous stage of myocardial infarction. Generally, chest pain suddenly appears, or for other reasons, the doctor will suspect coronary heart disease and need further examination. In fact, there are many reasons for chest pain, including some lung, pneumothorax, pneumonia, esophageal causes, and esophagitis and gastritis, which may be manifested as chest pain. If you have chest pain, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible and a doctor will diagnose to help determine the cause of the pain.
 People who have been identified and diagnosed with coronary heart disease need to carry nitroglycerin with them. Oral medication must be given immediately to relieve the symptoms during the onset of chest pain. If one capsule does not relieve the symptoms, one can take another capsule, but up to three capsules. If it still does not work, you should call the emergency helpline number as soon as possible. Once the illness has been found stop exercising, keep quiet, relaxed and rest until the emergency personnel arrives, and get medical treatment on time.
 Typical symptoms of coronary heart disease is chest pain, and some may be accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, acute pain in back. Symptoms can last for a few minutes to fifteen minutes to relieve angina. And if it is not subsiding, and pain is more than 30 minutes with no relief then to consider the possibility of acute myocardial infarction, the emergency center should be called to a professional hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

 Proper use of statin lipid-lowering drugs

 Statins are far more than simply reducing blood lipids. They are drugs for treating coronary heart disease. In addition to reducing the effects of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol , they can also prevent arteriosclerosis, which is mainly achieved through lipid-lowering and non-lipid-lowering effects. The effects of lipid-lowering include improvement of vascular endothelial function, reduction of inflammation, plaque stability, and antithrombotic effects. Statins are the corner stones of coronary heart disease drugs. It is just as important as aspirin.

Patting relieves coronary heart disease unscientific

 Patients with coronary heart disease can exercise appropriately. If the movement is convenient, they can do jogging and swimming. If they can't move, it is advisable for coronary heart patient to do some physical exercises. But the so-called tapping method improves blood vessel stasis is not reasonable. Coronary heart disease is arteriosclerosis and cannot be alleviated by patting.

Angiography is not the only diagnostic method

    As coronary angiography is currently the gold standard for diagnosis coronary heart disease does not have only one diagnostic method. Other diagnostic forms such as exercise tests, myocardial imaging, including adenosine stress echocardiography and other diagnostic methods have a certain diagnosis limit, as the positive and negative rates have not been very accurate for the coronary arteries. The diagnostic rate of angiography is relatively high, and the method of angiography is very intuitive. By this method, the condition of coronary arteries can be directly displayed .

Postoperative tips for stent surgery

    Stenting is a minimally invasive surgery. It is done by puncturing a blood vessel. After the successful operation, the patient can eat, drink, and move as usual, and it will not affect the life in future. After the stent is placed in the coronary artery blood vessel, after removing the stenosis and occlusion of the blood vessel in coronary artery, but fundamentally it does not eliminate the disease. The patient might develop atherosclerosis, so to the help, the patient must be on constant medication. These include statins, aspirin, and other blood pressure, lipid, and blood sugar medications. At the same time, we must also pay attention to the improvement of lifestyle. We must follow the doctor's advice to take medicine regularly on time and increase or decrease the amount of medicine.

Restrict your diet to low cholesterol, increase exercise, and change past bad lifestyles, such as tobacco and alcohol. It also includes the control of other risk factors, such as changing tension and doing some adjustments in your own life.

Teach you to read ECG

Image result for ecg"
    An electrocardiogram is very diagnostic when chest pain is onset. When there is an onset of coronary heart disease, the ECG will have obvious performance. For example the ECG of an acute myocardial infarction patient, you can see that there are some leads on the ECG. Some of the ST segments are elevated and some are depressed. The doctor can diagnose if the patient is suffering from acute myocardial infarction. If the ECG is a normal performance, sometimes waiting can not be completely ruled out possible illness. In this case, the doctor proceeds with further examination, such as exercise-induced ECG, do some screening, or using some other method of diagnosis. The doctor will take the appropriate examination and course of action steps as per the typical, atypical or physical conditions of the patient's symptoms.

When the heartbeat is fast, there will be some changes in the ECG. It is not the same as the typical picture. The doctor has a certain judgment standard, so the exercise test has a typical and basic judgment standard . The doctor sees that your index reaches a certain standard. Only then will the diagnosis be made.

This is a patient with acute chest pain in the electrocardiogram time, you can see, in II lead, III guide, avF lead ST elevation segment, can be seen on precordial ST significant segment of depression, patients Chest pain lasts up to 2 hours , so it can be clearly diagnosed as an acute myocardial infarction.

Advice from a cardiologist

Han Jiangli

    Cardiology is a minimally invasive operation. It takes less time than open heart surgical bypass surgery. Our average operation is more than 1 hour, but due to the fact of some difficulty and serious diseases, the operation time may surpass the dedicated time. Five years ago, on the afternoon of the 30th day of the New Year, our hospital had an emergency patient who came to the hospital with an acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock. He was ill in the hospital at 4 pm. Finally, the doctor performed emergency surgery for more than four hours. He was rescued by surgery, and his life was pulled back. It was already eight or nine in the evening when the operation was completed.

I hope that young friends and middle-aged people don't neglect their health conditions because of busy work schedule, work pressure, stress, strain and wrong life style. You should pay attention to the medical symptoms taking place in body and find out the causative reason that is trying to bring heart attack. Only when you are healthy you can work and work better in life.

Guests in this issue: Han Jiangli
Han Jiangli, Chief Physician, Peking University Third Hospital

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