Is pain a symptom or a disease?
Is pain a symptom or a disease?
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As soon as pain is mentioned, people will immediately think of the painful experience, tiredness, and so on.
Do you know what pain is?
World Health Organization has classified pain that is breathing, after the pulse with body temperature and blood's fifth largest vital signs. Pain is a situation where we go to the hospital often follows headache, feet hurts the disease in practice, often overlooked. The reason behind the pain, today is"Medicine". Li Juanhong, chief physician of the Department of Pain, Beijing Shijitan Hospital, is invited to talk about how to determine the causes of pain and treatment methods to relieve pain.
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Is pain a symptom or a disease?
From the moment of birth, people come to earth with pain, but what is the pain? Is it a symptom or a disease? The International Society for the Study of Pain defines pain: Pain is an unpleasant feeling and emotional experience. It contains both such harmful stimuli that gives people such a painful feeling, as well as a painful response of human emotions to this painful feeling, so pain is a sensational factor as well as an emotional factor. Many people think that pain is a symptom, but in fact pain is not just a symptom.
Clinically known as the world's first pain trigeminal neuralgia, the patient's head and face, facial cuts and the same pain, the patient feels unbearable, in fact, it is a neurocranial nerve problem, causing severe facial pain.

Teeth Pain
Shingles neuralgia, shingles usually blister, with varying degrees of pain, but some patients have completely disapproved of herpes zoster, but there will be constant pain in the area of ​​the blister.
There is another, a rare type of phantom limb pain. With modern industry, such as car accidents and mining accidents, patients' limbs have been cut off. But he could feel the pain in the limbs he didn't have, and the pain was very unbearable. These are typical painful diseases. So pain is not only a feeling, it is also a disease.
Pain is a neuropathy
These diseases, first of all, are damage to the nervous system, and nerves are damaged to produce abnormal discharges. Herpes zoster is a virus that invades nerves, with nerves running along the skin and transcutaneous nerves along the spinal cord to the brain. A pathway, if the virus invades the nerve, it gradually destroys the nerve along the pathway. Therefore, when such nerves are abnormally discharged, after the nerves are damaged, abnormal currents will be generated. Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease that occurs in neurons and other factors cause neuropathy. In addition, tissue ischemia and hypoxia causes a change in the physical and chemical properties of surrounding tissues. It will produce pain-stimulating factors to stimulate this nerve. The nerve is affected by the surrounding environment and produces abnormal discharges. There is also a factor: physical stimulation, such as electric shock chemicals.
Where is the backache?
Lumbar disc herniation is one of the main causes of low back and leg pain. The incidence rate is about 15% of outpatients with low back and leg pain, more men than women, and about 80% occur in young adults.
Low back pain is a large area, there is a saying that "patients have low back pain, doctors have headaches. "Because of the many causes of low back pain, and it is also very common, that is to say that when there was no pain in the past, the disease may be distributed to various areas to see, but the cause may be that the diagnosis is not clear. It is not clear from the diagnosis, the treatment is poorly targeted, and there are many causes of low back pain, such as kidney disease, urethral disease, kidney stones, urethral stones, and women may also have pelvic problems and also cause problems below the waist.
Soreness and discomfort
But the most common type of chronic low back pain is spinal origin. Especially modern people, there are more indoor activities, more sitting and work, more opportunities for damage to the lumbar spine. Diseases of the lumbar spinal canal actually account for more than 1/3 of the outpatient amount . After herniated discs, in addition to back pain, there are leg pain and difficulty walking, which in medical terms is called intermittent claudication.
The old cold leg is actually a symptom of lumbar inter vertebral disc and lumbar spine problems. It is the pain of pressing the sciatic nerve after the disc herniation. If the nerves that control the blood vessels of the lower limbs, such as the abnormal discharge of the lumbar sympathetic nerves, the blood vessels of the lower limbs that dominate the area are spasms, constriction and contraction of blood flow is not good, blood vessels are blocked.
The difference between pain and orthopedics
The pain department was first called orthopedics. It had a therapeutic effect on some orthopedic diseases, but the treatment methods are not the same as traditional orthopedics, such as disc herniation and orthopedic surgery. Due to the spine, vertebra, inter vertebral disc, and cartilage, it closes to the spinal cord, spinal nerves in the spinal canal, and surrounding muscles, they are out of balance. It may cause pyramidal slippage, or herniated disc. After herniated disc, it not only has an urgent pressure, but also a ductile stimulus, which will cause nerve-like damage to the nerve,so the nerve will be inflamed and painful. Orthopedic surgery is disectomy. The posterior disectomy is performed. In brief, there is an incision. Cut in and peel off the muscles to open the vertebral plate. Then connect the nerve and spinal cord to one side and remove the protruding disc.There is a certain degree of relative removal. Orthopedic injuries usually require a nail or a steel tube to fix it.In its prominent position, the pain department is clearly positioned by CT nuclear magnetic resonance.A needle is passed through to the point where the protrusion protrudes. The position of the disc herniation is processed. The disc is guided by the image and can be accurately positioned. Once in place, there is neurological positioning.It has an electrical signal, and the information that this electrical signal feeds back, the doctor knows that this location can distinguish what kind of tissue it is and protect it. The damage is very small, and the long-term and short-term effects are also very significant. Generally, patients can get out of bed in half an hour and an hour.
With the wrong medicine, the headache will be more painful
Headaches are also a very general diagnosis. As a doctor in the pain department, we will give it further points, such as neurovascular headache, which is abnormal contraction or relaxation of blood vessels. Some people have a neurovascular headache. It is a headache with vasoconstriction. Its blood vessel is continuously constricting. As soon as the patient takes the medicine that expands the blood vessel, the blood flow improves, and it feels light. But some people, neurovascular headache is pain of dilated blood vessels, it is more serious with the wrong medicine.
Pain doctors will find the nerve that innervates abnormal blood vessels to determine whether it is dilating or adhering to the blood vessel, and give it medical intervention on this nerve, for example, it is adjusted to expand the blood vessel to allow the blood vessel to contract and relax normally. After normal intervention, normal discharge, it will normally expand its contraction of blood flow.
Causes of post therapeutic neuralgia
Shingles neuralgia is a very common disease. The incidence of shingles accounts for 1.4 ‰ to 4.8 ‰ of the population, and about 20% of the post therapeutic patients have neuralgia. Elderly people over 50 years old are the main population of post therapeutic neuralgia, accounting for about 75% of the affected people . Shingles is caused by the varicella - zoster virus, which usually lurks in the neurons of the posterior root of the spinal cord. However, the body's resistance is low or tired, infection, cold, fever, and anger, etc. The virus can grow and reproduce again and move along the nerve fibers to the skin, causing intense inflammation of the affected nerve and skin. The rash is generally unilateral and distributed by nerve segments. It is composed of clustered herpes with pain. The older the person, the more severe the neuralgia. Folks are called snake gallbladder and loincloth. As long as patients with shingles are actively treated, viruses in the body and viruses that infect peripheral nerves are quickly cleared from the body, and active repair of damaged nerves will not cause sequelae. Conversely, without effective treatment, sequel neuralgia may develop. It is clinically believed that after the herpes zoster rash subsides, the local skin still has pain and discomfort, and it lasts for more than 1 month, which is called herpes zoster neuralgia, or PHN .It manifests as local paroxysmal or persistent burning, tingling, jumping, and stabbing pain. In severe cases, it affects rest, sleep, and mental state.
Interdisciplinary Development of Pain
The development of the pain department has been relatively long. There are already pain departments in Europe and the United States. With the development of modern medicine in our country, the pain department has been established in 2007 from the earliest in 1994. The country has already established documents for the pain department.
If you understand the relevant medical knowledge, some patients may not need to take a detour.The pain department has received many patients,some have visited many departments and hospitals before they came to the pain department. We can provide patients with very good treatment measures.The specific scope of the pain department includes a very wide range, for example, it can be treated from head to toe, and then it is neuralgia, bone and joint pain, and soft tissue pain and visceral pain that is relatively rare.
The pain department is a bit interdisciplinary. There is a difference between visceral pain and body surface pain, such as irritable bowel syndrome, which belongs to visceral pain. The Department of Pain accurately analyzes and diagnoses the etiology and stage of the disease, and does some interventional treatment for the etiology.
Guests in this issue: Li Juanhong
Li Juanhong, chief physician, Department of Pain, Beijing Shijitan Hospital
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