12 Home Remedies To Treat Tooth Decay and Dental Gum Infections
Dental Gum Infections
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue and is a very common disease that can cause gum deficiency. Gingivitis is a real epidemic - 95% of all adults have some degree of periodontal disease during their lifetime.
The source of inflammation is the bacteria that live in the oral cavity, infect the teeth (plaque), harden and become tartar, so the best way to prevent gingivitis is to get rid of the bacteria.
This article will discuss the symptoms of periodontitis, the risk of acute gingivitis and the best home remedies to treat periodontitis.
In gingivitis there is redness and swelling in the gum tissue, bleeding during dental cleansing, gum pain or pain, bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, pus accumulation between teeth and gums, etc. Depending on where the gingivitis is, it can also cause pain on one side of your throat.
Chronic gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, which is the most severe gingivitis that can cause tooth damage and re-deposition of the gums. Read on to learn how to prevent and treat gingivitis naturally to prevent tooth loss and reduce gum decay.
Periodontitis – a Silent Killer
Periodontitis is a silent disease, and often the only visible sign is seeing blood in the wash basin after brushing the teeth, until the disease reaches an advanced stage when the tooth position changes or starts moving and breaks in small small pieces and starts coming out giving violent pain in head with blurred vision. Other symptoms include:
- Gum swelling
- Bright red or purple gums
- Gums that feel very soft when touched
- New space growth between your teeth
- Pus formation between teeth and gum
- Bad breath
- Bad taste in mouth
- Loose teeth
- A change in teeth shape and size irregular haphazard not matching our oral cavity together when we chew food.
Periodontis is a "kick start" initiated by bacterial plaque that accumulates on the borders of the gums with or under the teeth, leading to inflammation in the local and other parts of the body.
Bacteria can also enter the blood as it stimulates a protective response from the liver and damages antibacterial agents from white blood cells. Both reactions increase inflammation, which may damage blood vessel walls and other distal organs / tissues.
There is good evidence that periodontitis affects blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and worsens heart and kidney complications.
Periodontitis is often called a silent killer because it has been found that prolonged inflammation of gums increases the risk of furthur infection and leads to:
- Atherosclerosis – Inflammations caused by gingivitis can increase the accumulation of fats, cholesterol and other substances on the walls of the artery.
- Diabetes – periodontitis can cause type 2 diabetes.
- Heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases – the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in patients with periodontitis is 25-50% higher than in healthy people.
- Stroke - There is evidence that periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of stroke.
- Cancer - Several studies have shown an increased risk of developing cancer with periodontal disease.
- Premature birth and miscarriage.
How to treat gingivitis?
To ensure healthy teeth and gums and prevent gingivitis and its treatment methods after it appears, it is utmost necessary to get rid of bacterial formation that causes infections, and maintain high levels of oral hygiene. Treat gum problems as soon as sign and symptoms are visible and you start feeling the pain.
Natural Home Remedies for Gingivitis
Saline gargle
A simple and easy remedy for gingivitis is using salt with mustard oil during morning hours brushing time. Salt is a good natural antiseptic that treats gum infection and also removes any inflammation from the gum tissues. After that take one teaspoon of mustard oil and mix half a spoon of iodized salt mix it well and massage gums gently for couple of minutes very gently and slowly because the roughness in salt might injure the gums more, so gentle massage is recommended. Now take another teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water, mix and stir well for about a minute. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with it. After this brush your teeth with good toothpaste as usual. It is recommended to repeat the treatment several times a day.
Turmeric paste
Turmeric has a long history in herbal and traditional Chinese medicine in treating many infections and disease. Turmeric contains curcumin, a key ingredient known for its antioxidant, anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
The Journal of Natural Sciences, Biology and Medicine talks about the role of curcumin in oral health and relieving gingivitis and periodontitis in a paste form made of 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of salt mixed in 1 teaspoon of mustard oil which can give immediate relief from pain and swelling in gum infection.
It is advised to brush your teeth and gums twice daily with this paste. You can also replace mustard oil with coconut oil or vitamin E oil - see more about it later.
A study was mentioned in the above journal in which turmeric mouthwash was used to treat plaque and gingivitis. Turmeric mouthwash was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of curcumin extracts in 100 ml of distilled water and mint oil with a factor of 0.005%.
A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry in April 2013 described sage (a herbal plant) as a useful herb for treating gingivitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Cook some fresh sage leaves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes, allow them to become luke warm, then rinse and gargle around your mouth 2-3 times a day. Also, rub the sage leaf over the gums and pay attention to the area of ​​inflammation. See also how to make sea salt sage dental powder.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has many healing properties. Similar to its use on the skin, aloe vera is used to clean and remove teeth and gum infection . The Journal of the Indian periodontology society published a study in the July 2013 issue that concluded that aloe vera mouthwash could be used as an additional treatment for plaque-induced periodontitis.
Another study, published in March 2014 on oral and dental health, indicated that aloe vera may prove effective in mouthwash because of its ability to reduce the gingival index. The results showed a significant decrease in periodontal bleeding and plaque indices compared to the placebo group.
Daily apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the affected area with your index finger. Either you can use natural aloe vera gel that is readily available in pharmacy shop or aloe vera plant if you have it in your house kitchen garden.
Aloe vera is a common medicinal herb that has been recommended to be used in several infections and diseases. If you want to know more about aloe vera and its properties and other herbal medicinal plants, you can find more useful information in my e-book Herbal Remedies Guide. This guide will teach you how to treat common ailments with herbs.
Concentrated honey taken out from beehive
You can fight gingivitis infection with concentrated honey due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply little raw natural honey directly to the infected gum.
In particular, it is worth noting the strong antibacterial properties in manuka honey. A study published in the Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology and Medicine in April 2004 suggests that manuka honey has antibacterial properties to fight various gum diseases and its activity was classified as UMF15 which can be used to reduce bleeding caused by spots and periodontal gums.
Garlic is also known to have an antibiotic effect due to the main medicinal ingredient called allicin.
Medicinal Food magazine published a study in the November 2001 issue that tested the antimicrobial activity of garlic allicin on oral pathogens associated with tooth decay and gingivitis. It was found that allicin is effective against all tested bacteria, and it was concluded that these results support the traditional medicinal use of garlic, and indicate the use of allicin in reducing dental diseases.
Some reviewers recommend crushing a horn or garlic of garlic, wait some few minutes for the formation of allicin, and applying it to the affected gums to treat periodontitis. However, since raw garlic can burn the skin, it is best to dilute and mix it with honey, olive, coconut oil or aloe vera gel to protect the gums from further damage.
Some reviewers recommend crushing a horn or garlic of garlic, wait some few minutes for the formation of allicin, and applying it to the affected gums to treat periodontitis. However, since raw garlic can burn the skin, it is best to dilute and mix it with honey, olive, coconut oil or aloe vera gel to protect the gums from further damage.
Coconut oil / Vitamin E oil / Olive oil / Neem oil
- Virgin coconut oil has many anti-bacterial properties and can be used to treat many skin infections.
- Vitamin E oil has also many antibacterial function and helps to save from many infections and diseases.
Rubbing some virgin coconut oil, or vitamin E oil on gums can get rid of gingivitis and many oral infections.
Neem bark and its leaves contain active ingredients that have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It strengthens the body's immune system and builds body's resistance power to fight infections. Try this home remedy add some few drops of neem oil to coconut or olive oil and apply it to the affected area.
You can also use anti-inflammatory olive oil due to its many healthy ingredients. Take 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and rinse it around your mouth for a few minutes and then spit out after some couple of minutes. Do not swallow it because it contains toxins from the mouth. Also apply it to gums and rub or massage the gums gently. For best results, repeat the process three times a day.
Oil pulling
The Ayurvedic method of oil pulling is a time-tested method for mouth cleanliness and is a wonderful way to maintain a clean mouth that is plaque-free and gingivitis-free. People who practice oil pulling absolutely swear by the great benefits oil pulling has done to their oral health, such as brightening their teeth, preventing white spots on teeth, treating bleeding gums and gingivitis.Oil puling can reduce plaque and gingivitis – A 2009 study was conducted to compare oil pulling and chlorhexidine (a synthetic compound used as a mild antiseptic) in adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis. Both oil pulling and chlorhexidine mouthwash were effective against gingivitis.
You can find detailed information about oil pulling and how to do it in my previous article why you should start oil pulling today.
Clove / Tea tree essential oil
When you do the oil treatment above to fight gingivitis, you can add a drop or two of clove oil or tea tree oil to the oil you are using. Tea tree oil is highly antiseptic, and clove oil can fight infections as well. It has antibacterial properties, and is very effective in treating gum disease.
You can also prepare a mouthwash by mixing a few drops of the oil in a cup of water. Make sure not to swallow the mouthwash.
If you are interested to learn more about essential oils you can find useful information in my e-book Magical Aromatherapy. This e-book will help you to discover the power of essential oils and the most effective ways to use them.
Chamomile / Ginger / Cinnamon tea
Ginger improves inflammatory condition, and chamomile may help soothe mouth inflammations and keep gums healthy. Cinnamon has strong anti-bacterial effects and has been known to treat infections.
To relieve gingivitis pain and help in the heeling process drink a lot of these teas. Make a tea, take a sip and pass on the gums. You can also gargle the tea as a mouthwash.
Baking soda
According to a study, baking soda has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help reduce infections.
Since baking soda is alkaline, it neutralizes the acids in the mouth, thus reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Baking soda can also help to keep your mouth free of bacteria that can cause plaqueand dental cavities. Apart from using baking soda as a teeth-whitening toothpaste, you can make a refreshing natural antibacterial mouthwash by mixing baking soda and water.
Cashew Nuts
I’ve already mentioned that cashew nut can eliminate tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis and pneumonia.Supplements That Help to Treat Gingivitis
The June 2015 issue of the Journal of Periodontology mentions a study concluding that Lactobacillus reuteri-containing probiotic supplementation might be useful in patients with chronic periodontitis. There are other reasons to take probiotics.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 has a strong antioxidant effect and improves the oxygen supply to the tissues of the gums and helps in preventing and curing gingivitis.
The Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology published a study on its October 2012 issue concluding the promising results that were obtained after application of Co-Q10 for treating plaque induced gingivitis.
I’ve already mentioned the health benefits of chlorella. This green algae helps to relieve, heal and treat gingivitis. Chlorella contains a compound that can enhance immune function and stimulate tissue repair.
Proper nutrition
Avoid consuming simple sugars and alcohol as they increase the accumulation of plaque on the teeth and weaken the immune system. Instead, consume foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.The fiber doesn’t attack the bacteria on your teeth but it helps to improve your body’s immune system so you are in a better position to fight bacteria that causes gingivitis.
Brushing your teeth and flossing
Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Daily brushing reduces gum infections by 60%, and although you may have bleeding gums, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly with a soft fiber toothbrush.
Brush in circular motions on the border between the gums and the teeth so the bristles will penetrate the space between the teeth and gums and will remove the leftover food and plaque. In addition to brushing your teeth with a brush, it is recommended to use a dental floss to clean between the teeth to prevent food from sticking between the teeth resulting in a favorite area for bacteria. Make sure you are not making these common teeth brushing mistakes.
Some of the well known Tooth Decay and Dental Gum Erosion paste and powder well known is mentioned below. Regular daily use twice will certainly help in healing wounds of gum, stop bleeding. They are ayurvedic in nature, have natural herbal healing properties, and will not have any side effects at all.
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