15 Foods for Healthy Eyes
15 Foods for Healthy Eyes
Nowadays, we stare at the monitor all day while working, if not, then read the news or reply to the messages on the phone. We read our novels in ebook form before we go to sleep. Our eyes are under extreme exertion every day. Have you ever thought about what you could do to help their health?
Here is a list of 15 foods to boost your eye health.
1. Raw peppers

yogadigest.com – Raw Pepper
Did you know that Vitamin C was first purified from pepper in 1928 by a Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi? This vegetable gives you the most vitamin C per calorie, which is good for the blood vessels in your eyes that could lower your risk of getting cataracts.
2. Salmon

nutritiouslife.com – Salmon
Salmon is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals (including selenium, vitamin B12, and potassium), high-quality minerals, but the most important is their content of omega-3 fatty acids. Several studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids can help protect eyes from dry eye syndrome and macular degeneration.
3. Beans and Legumes

healthline.com – Legumes
Do you prefer a vegetarian, high-fiber option to keep your eyes healthy? Then black-eyed peas, lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas are a great choice for you. Beans and legumes are known as a perfect source of zinc.
4. Squash

The ultimate vegetarian option to keep your vision sharp. You can get lutein and zeaxanthin from squash basically all year long. Summer squash is rich in vitamin C and zinc, the ones that grow during winter will give you vitamins C and A as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
5. Citrus fruits

aol.com – Citrus fresh fruits
Citrus fruits are great sources of vitamin C. Such as vitamin E, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is recommended by the AOA (American Optometric Association) to fight age-related eye damage. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits are all rich in Vitamin-C.
6. Sweet potatoes

cookinglight.com – sweet potato
Interesting fact that orange-color fruits and vegetables – such as carrots, sweet potatoes, apricots, mangos – are rich in beta carotene- which helps your eyes’ ability to adjust easier to darkness.
7. Beef

delish.com – Beef
Beef is a great source of zinc which has been determined as a key element of long-term eye health. It can help delay age-related sight loss. Meats like chicken breast and pork loin also contain zinc but in lower quantities than beef.
8. Whole Grains
everydayhealth.com – Whole grain food
Whole grains have a low glycemic index (GI) that can help reduce your risk for age-related macular degeneration. Besides the zinc, vitamin E and niacin found in whole grains also help support overall eye health.
9. Sunflower seeds and Nuts
consumerreports.org – Seeds and Nuts
According to numerous studies, vitamin E together with other nutrients can help to prevent slow age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are all great sources of vitamin E.
10. Leafy green vegetables
culinarynutrition.com – Dark green leafy vegetables
Dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in both vitamins E and C. Besides of that they contain a large amount of lutein and zeaxanthin which are also known for their excellent eye-strengthening effect.
11. Eggs

pexels.com – Eggs
Eggs are really useful from the eye protection point of view. The zinc in an egg helps your body use the lutein and zeaxanthin. Besides of that the yellow-orange color of its compounds help boost the amount of protective pigment in your macula and block harmful blue light from damaging your retina.
12. Dairy

indiatvnews.com – Dairy
Yogurt, milk and other dairy products are a great choice for improving eye health. They are rich in zinc, vitamin A, calcium, and phosphorus. Vitamin A helps protect the cornea, zinc helps prevent cataract.
13. Oysters

bonappetit.com – Oysters
Oyster is one of the richest dietary sources, high in protein, low in calories and a good source of calcium. Just one can provide an adult with their daily mineral requirement. Oysters contain a large amount of zinc that ensures that the eye’s pigment is adequately produced in the retina.
14. Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts

flavornspice.com – Broccoli and brussels
Another ultimate combination of eye-supporter nutrients: vitamin A (lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene), vitamin C, and vitamin E. You will get about 50% of the daily recommended value of vitamin A from a cup of cooked broccoli.
15. Water

es.borges.es – Water
Drinking enough water has a number of health benefits, including supporting eye health. Dehydration affects every organ in the body, not just your eyes. Lack of water leads to a number of different issues for your eyes such as dry eye, eyestrain, or vision problems. Drink at least two liters of water every day to maintain your eyes’ health!
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