Do not ignore these 20 things if you want to remain healthy
Do not ignore these 20 things if you want to remain healthy
1. Milk tea with snacks taken with it are the biggest cause of skin diseases and stomach diseases growing these days.
2. Tying a tight tie knot has a negative effect on eyesight
3. Reading in wrong postures has a bad effect on lungs, spine, and eye sight.
4. Consumption of excessively cold frozen foods shrinks the large intestine.
5. Taking bath after meals reduces digestion power; similarly, intercourse immediately after a meal, toiling and sleeping too much destroys the digestive power.
6. The biggest reason of stomach fatness is wrong eating methods like standing or sitting on a chair, table and drinking water immediately after. Always have food sitting on the ground. By doing this, you will not be able to eat more than necessary. Drinking water instantly after meals is an invitation to many serious diseases.
7. Sequence of food taking is as follows: first sweet-juice (sweet), then foods that are acidic in nature, salt juice (sour, salty) in the middle, and bitter, tikt, kashay (tart, peppery, kasela) juice should be consumed at last of all the meals.
8. Washing hands after meals and apply wet hands on eyes. This will protect the eyes from heat.
9. Drink a glass of plain water before taking a bath. This will keep away from the problem of high blood pressure to a great extent.
10. Start the bath from your head. If you do not wish to wash hair, then wash face first. By pouring water on the feet first, the heat flows upwards and damage to sensory organs like eye, brain etc.
11. Before going to sleep, bath and after having eaten food, do urination. It can prevent unnecessary heat, constipation and stones.
12. Never discharge full urination with force, but in little intervals with giving peristalsis movement to the urethra. This rule is for both men and women. By doing this, procrastination related to reproductive organs can be easily avoided. (Kegel exercise)
13. Standing and urinating gives the possibility of spinal diseases. Similarly, standing and drinking water causes joint diseases like arthritis.
14. Water should not be drunk immediately after eating fruits, sweets made from milk, oily foods. Drinking cold water immediately after eating fruits and salads is a strick no no.
15. Waking up in the night more often reduces immunity.
16. While rinsing, do wash your eyes. Otherwise, the heat coming out of the mouth when filled with water will harm the eyes.
17. Every time thousands of brain cells are damaged by consuming drugs like cigarette, tobacco etc. They never regenerate.
18. Stool, urine, semens, cough, sneezing, fart, apnea, yawning, nausea hunger, thirst, tears, etc. are a total of 13 Non Suppressible Urges. Never stop them. Stopping them can lead to serious diseases. Many diseases can be stopped by routinely drinking water 250 ml of water just before sunrise, then doing some morning walks and then relieving one selves defecation every day will save lot of money going to the doctor's pocket. Make it an integral part of the treatment routine.
20. Please give thanks to God before sleeping, no matter how your day went. Reviewing the work done throughout the day and then making an action plan for the next day will certainly help in combing many diseases and illnesses. Now try to relax the body and mind by taking a deep and long breath. Surrender all your stress, worries, thoughts etc. to the Supreme Father, God and go to the shelter of sleep with ease.
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