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The phenolics in honey protect the liver!

Honey Phenolic Compounds can nourish the lever

Honey contains many active ingredients, such as phenolic substances that help fight oxidation.Two recent animal experiments have shown that some honey can also protect the liver.
Researchers administer continuous buckwheat honey to mice daily for a total of 10 weeks, and found that they can significantly enhance the anti-oxidative ability of serum lipoproteins and the ability to absorb serum oxygen free radicalsafter injection of carbon tetrachloride, they found that buckwheat honey can Inhibition of serum glutamic acid and aspartate aminotransferase activity caused by carbon tetrachloride, inhibition of liver malondialdehyde production and reduction of antioxidant enzyme activity,and can prevent oxidative damage to lymphocyte DNA caused by carbon tetrachlorideLiver pathological tissue sections showed that buckwheat honey significantly improved liver swelling caused by carbon tetrachloride, reduced hepatic sinus space, reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, and reduced balloon-like changes in liver cells. This animal experiment shows that buckwheat honey has a significant protective effect on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute liver injury.
When investigating mice with jujube nectar continuously for 12 weeks, the researchers found that high-dose jujube nectar (54 kg day) can enhance the anti-oxidative ability of serum lipoproteins in mice and significantly inhibit mice caused by long-term alcohol intake. Increased serum glutamate and aspartate aminotransferase activity, inhibited liver production of malondialdehyde, increased liver glutathione peroxidase activity, and high-dose jujube nectar (54 kg day) can completely inhibit chronic alcohol-induced mice The production of -hydroxydeoxyguanosine, a product of DNA oxidative damage , and liver pathological sections also confirmed the hepatoprotective effect of jujube nectar. This animal experiment shows that jujube nectar has a significant protective effect on chronic alcohol-induced liver damage.
Visible, honey liver, liver mainly because the polyphenolic constituents have antioxidant effects, not with different substances in honey phenolic antioxidant effect is also a great difference.
Source: Food and Life, ISSN: 1004-5473, 2016 Issue 12

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