Broad beans are very beneficial for the body
Health Watch
Broad beans are highly beneficial for our body
It is rich in Magnesium and potassium, gives blood vessels full relief
Helps in weight loss
Increased weight has become a cause of concern for many people today. In such a situation, people take a weight loss exercise session like gym or Zumba, but if you regularly eat broad beans in your diet, it will help you a lot. A cup of broad beans contains only 187 calories with 13 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber, which makes you feel fuller and also helps you lose weight.
High blood pressure Control
Fava beans or broad beans are helpful in keeping the heart better as well as in controlling blood pressure. It contains magnesium and potassium, helpful in relaxing blood vessels. This reduces your high blood pressure. Foods rich in magnesium and potassium are beneficial for high blood pressure patients.
Increase immunity
Regular intake of broad beans increases immunity. It is rich in compounds that can increase antioxidant activity in the body. Antioxidants play a major role in boosting the body's immune system, which fights free radicals.
For Digestion and Cholesterol
Nutrient-rich broad beans are helpful in warding off many health problems. It also contains a rich amount of fiber, which helps to improve your digestive system and reduce cholesterol levels. In addition, broad beans also contain small amounts of vitamin B, folate, calcium, and selenium. It is also helpful in anemia due to its rich in iron as it helps to increase hemoglobin in your body.
Keep bones strong
Broad beans are rich in manganese and copper, which prevent bone loss. One study found that a lack of manganese and copper could adversely affect bones and increase calcium excretion. Studies on humans also show that both these compounds are important for bone. You may have tasted the beans yet but have you ever tasted broad beans or fava beans? Let it be delicious in food as well as full of many health benefits. Broad beans are loaded with protein, fiber, vitamins, and mineral elements. Eating its vegetable is very beneficial for your health as it can also be helpful in dealing with diseases like weight loss and Parkinson's. In addition, broad beans are helpful in improving cardiovascular health and controlling cholesterol levels. Take a look at its benefits-
Broad beans contain a lot of fiber, which helps to improve your digestive system and reduce cholesterol levels.
Dr. Poonam Tiwari, Dietition
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